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Diary of Saxton B. Little


Speaking Volumes

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Would Emily Post be rolling over in her grave? Are manners dead? I ask this question as this past Sunday my husband and I attended The United States Coast Guard Band Labor Day Concert. Held on the grounds of the beautiful Fort Trumbull State Park; it was a glorious day; perfect weather, perfect setting along the Thames River. The Tall Ship Eagle was in port for young and old alike to explore and families and friends could have a last hurrah summer picnic as summer wanes. I couldn't even begin to estimate the numbers attending this event but it was a large group, partially due to the Coast Guard Band reputation, partially the great weather and of course to some degree, the anticipation of the final traditional piece of the day, The 1812 Overture, including cannon fire provided by the Artillery Company of Newport. 

To warm up the crowd a first selection was played followed by the official march of The Coast Guard Band, Semper Paratus. Then all were invited to rise for The National Anthem. This format sets the stage for most concerts and like Megan's story time rituals, should let people know it's time to settle in and enjoy the show. A large group behind us were very noisy, continuing to talk and laugh quite boisterously through all of this, with the exception of our anthem, and well into the next 2 songs. My husband's patience wore thin and he turned around and boomed for the group to be quiet. I would imagine if the concert were held indoors that this group would never have been so noisy. I think it would have been more polite for my husband to walk up to them and quietly ask that they hold their conversation to after the concert but I'm glad he did. Without the booming I wonder if they would have listened or continued. They certainly got the hint after he boomed and though we could still hear some whispers, they were relatively quiet. 

What would Emily Post have done? What would you have done? I think I'll check our book to see if there are any suggestions... 

Emily Post's Etiquette

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