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JANUARY 22, 2010
Blast from the past...


I’ve always loved reading. When I was a kid I’d go to the library and check out a HUGE stack of books then spend the day curled up somewhere devouring one after another. I loved Roald Dahl, the Narnia books, Lois Lowry, and Judy Blume.  I went through a ‘horror’ phase and read books like Wait Till Helen Comes and The Dollhouse Murders over and over. Then, around 5th grade I got really into fantasy and read everything I could get my hands on.


So, why am telling you all this? Well, for one the big awards in Children’s Lit were announced last week and the big-daddy Newbury Award was given to Rebecca Stead for her book When You Reach Me:




I loved this book and it SO reminded me of my childhood favorites. Not only that, but in the book the main character, Miranda, is never without her favorite book A Wrinkle in Time, another one of my old faves. By coincidence, When You Reach Me was also our bookclub book for this month, and next our club decided to read A Wrinkle in Time.


I remember loving A Wrinkle in Time as a kid, so it will be an interesting experience re-reading it as an adult. Although I don’t remember much of the plot, I do remember a part where they visit a planet where all the kids come out of their houses and bounce a ball in exact rhythm with each other. Creepy. This image has stuck with me and I always think of it when I am driving through a new neighborhood or housing development where all the houses look the same and there are no full grown trees.


I guess I’m kinda of rambling this week, but When You Reach Me made me very nostalgic. What about you? What were your favorites as a kid? What do you remember from them? Have you re-read them as an adult? Let me know!


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Mercedes said, on Jan. 26 at 6:57AM
Starting "When You Reach Me" today and really looking forward to it. I've never read "Wrinkle" for some odd reason, I couldn't get into it when I was a kid, but I think I'll give it a shot after Reach Me. Narnia were faves, as are the Cricket in Times Square books. I loved those! Charlotte's Web, Little House on the Prairie series....the list could go on and on. I was a fanatical reader too. I wished I had kept a list of the books I read as a kid because its so hard to remember them all now. One book I do remember (but don't have anymore) was a biography of Elizabeth II that I must have read a dozen times over the years!

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