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SEPTEMBER 13, 2009
Home Alone?

My husband's been retired for three years now. It amazes me how quickly the house and all its' surrounding territory has now become his. Though I love having him home (he's a great cook), sometimes I miss having the house all to myself. When he worked he'd get up pretty early and would be out of the house by 6:15 AM. As I start work at 10, I'd have almost four blissful hours to myself. I could do anything I wanted and didn't have to feel guilty about it. It's not that he's underfoot all the time Frequently he's out in the yard doing what I call potzing. The house and yard are big enough that I can even lose him at times, especially when I really want him for something; that's called selective absence. It's just that he never seems to go anywhere leaving me to my own devices (meaning reading, Internet or foreign films).Mothers with kids who have returned to school know what I'm talking about. House to self! I used to relish those days too, when school started again and I didn't have to hide in the bathroom, the only sacred place that no one followed. So I guess I'm back to that, closing myself in the john,where no man can follow, not out of necessity but catching a few moments of peace to read.

A great series for quick reading are the Chicken Soup for the...just fill in the blank. Last Chicken Soup I read was for the Nature Lover's Soul and I must say this is one of my all time favorites, a tie with the one for a Couple's Soul. Nature Lover's Soul has some wonderful stories, Goose Island in which Tom Lusk helps with the birth of a gosling, a really funny story about Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace, a poignant story by Heather Trexler Remoff about what makes Grace run. There's the story of Lee and her dying wish to swim with dolphins and a mom who lets the chores go to have a picnic lunch with her kids. Like the cover says there are stories here to inspire, stories of joy, insight and adventure in the great outdoors. I so much loved the story by Linda M. Hasselstrom from the book Land Circle called Bells in the Night that I bought her book and have contacted her and made a new acquaintance.

All griping aside, I'm truly glad to find time to read, whenever and wherever that may be. And I'm glad to have those few minutes each day to read a story from Chicken Soup. Frequently when I'm finished with a Chicken Soup, I'll either give it away or swap it on Not this time. It's a keeper!



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Jill said, on Sep. 19 at 4:40PM
I used to think I was weird for locking myself in my bathroom and spending an hour in there, reading, where it's quiet and peaceful. I even have a small bookshelf hanging over my throne, filled with books that I am half way through. As I've gotten older, I've met more and more people who do this. Now that I've started working again, there will be no more alone time without a man or child home. The bathroom will again become my refuge, the first thing I plan on doing is buying a really cushy seat for my throne! I usually read romances in there as they are light reading and don't require much attention to detail like true crime or medical mysteries ( my other favorite genres ) do. I got my love of reading from my mother and grandparents, I'm glad to know that we also share the same refuge!


CarolK said, on Sep. 19 at 5:34PM
Just goes to show what you can learn at your mother's knee! I can remember a time (when little ones were home) when even the WC was not a sacred place. Never locked the door. That might have been the problem.

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