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JULY 20, 2009
Dimes from heaven

 A few years ago an article in the Minnesota Women's Press, caught my eye. Glenda Martin's column, mentions The Horizontal World: Growing Up Wild in the Middle of Nowhere (available through used book stores) by Debra Marquart. Glenda states “Marquart tells about finding dimes in the most unlikely places after her father's death”. Here's my story...

Recently, while walking I spotted my dime a few steps ahead of me. An older couple a few feet to my right spotted it too and before I could pick it up the woman bent and scooped it up. As I drew nearer I said, “oh, you picked up my dime.” The man looked at me skeptically but I continued, “my dad leaves them for me.” A look passed between them and the man gruffly stated “well, if you need it so badly” even as the woman started to hand the dime to me. I laughed and said, “oh, no, you keep it please but would you let me tell you why I think it's mine.” I'm certain by now the man thought I was a lunatic and he better humor me but the woman said,”go ahead dear”. So I told her the story of seeing a letter in a magazine from a woman who felt angels were leaving her dimes in unexpected places as a reminder of her dear father who had passed away. I could understand this woman's need for connection with her father as mine had passed away quite recently and I was struggling with the loss. So I chuckled and said “ok, dad, would you leave me a dime so I know you are fine”.Within the day those shiny reminders started showing up in the strangest places. A wooded path, my seat at a restaurant, in my grocery bag, the condiment counter at McDonald's. Sometimes days will go by and then I'll think, where are you dad? and there the dime will be, right in my range of vision. Not pennies, or nickels but dimes! My husband and I have begun calling the dimes I find, A Dad! Just yesterday, walking across the grocery store parking lot, there it was; my dime, my comfort. Though some may think these dimes are only found money, I prefer to think of them as a gift from my dad.

You'll find lots of books about Spiritualism and Parapsychology beginning in the 130's of non-fiction.

Besides a slew of fiction here's a couple of of non-fiction titles specifically about angels that you'll find in our library:

Angel Letters by Sophie Burnham
A Book of Angels by Sophie Burnham
The valkyries : an encounter with angels by Paulo Coelho
Angels in America DVD

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bas bleu said, on Jul. 20 at 9:18AM
What a wonderful story. I trust that your dad will continue to shower you with dimes...a tangible reminder of the unending love he has for you!


CarolK said, on Jul. 20 at 9:26AM
Thanks bas bleu! This entry was putting myself out there a bit.


bas bleu said, on Jul. 20 at 10:33AM
One of the books I am presently reading...and enjoying... is titled Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot, so you're not too "out there" for me!


CarolK said, on Jul. 20 at 12:26PM
I remember reading the review of this one. Sounds good. Let us know what you think when finished.


bas bleu said, on Jul. 20 at 1:15PM
When I was a young girl, Bobby Vinton had a hit with a song titled "I Love How You Love Me." I loved that song, and when my mother bought me the "45" at Christmas, I practically wore it out. I think it's the only record she ever bought me, and it was really special. Now, whenever I hear that song playing on the radio, I know it is my mother, checking in with me to say hello and to tell me that she loves me.


CarolK said, on Jul. 20 at 4:04PM
Thanks for sharing Your story. It is touching to know how hearing this song can spark such vivid emotions of love and memory and bring us comfort that our loved ones continue to be with us.


Beth said, on Jul. 29 at 11:46AM
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story. My dad also leaves me dimes from heaven. I instinctively knew they were from him as soon as I started finding them shortly after his passing. I've always wondered about their significance and decided to Google "dimes from heaven" today. This is how I came across your story and now I know they are left simply to let me know he is still watching over me. Which is more than enough for me. Thanks again and bless you.


CarolK said, on Jul. 29 at 4:00PM
Beth, I, too, googled dimes, angels and heaven and was very surprised at all the websites and stories I found. There is great comfort in all this. Thanks for taking the time to write and share.


joe said, on Aug. 12 at 5:03AM
I've heard of this happening with butterflies and also with rainbows. It is comforting, I'm sure.


CarolK said, on Aug. 12 at 11:18AM
I have been touched by the response I have received from this story, from those who have commented on the blog and others who have just shared their stories with me. There is a need to feel a continued connection with our departed loved ones.


tiffany said, on May. 3 at 7:22AM
I loved loved loved your story! I constantly find dimes in the oddest places and I have findig them for a little over two years. I have always wondered who their from!


CarolK said, on May. 3 at 7:23AM
Tiffany, Thanks for letting me know about your own dime findings. You'd be surprised how many people feel they receive these little gifts from heaven to remind them of their loved ones. I still find those dimes in the darndest places. They are comforting...

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