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MAY 20, 2009
I Hadn't Heard

There are times when I believe I am a sane, normal person. Then there are times that all, including myself, agree that something zigs when it should have zagged, or blinked when it should not have and some little bit of information floats off into the universe instead of into my brain.
There has been much amusement around the Library today surrounding a particular reference question. One of our patron’s was looking for an address of a famous person. I patiently explained that finding addresses of celebrity was difficult, without actually realizing, this particular case would be more so. The person in question has apparently been deceased … for a while. 
Sorry, I’m not going to reveal the particular details. But it did get me thinking about things unknown, information that gets distorted and the old telephone game that pointed out what is heard is not necessarily what is said. 
I will share however, that for a number of years, there was a Neil Diamond song that puzzled me no end. Why was he singing about Reverend Blue Jeans? Who was this person? 
Money talks
But it don’t sing and dance
And it don’t talk
As long as I can have you here with me
Id much rather be
Reverend Blue Jeans
Why? It made no sense. But never being a Neil Diamond fan… and only hearing the song on the radio… it was years later when the song came on and I, innocently turned to my partner and asked.
I’ve not heard the end of this one either. But I share it with you all today, because I am choosing to believe we have all been there and done that with something at some point.
So for all of you who have been there too, I wish you Forever in Blue Jeans  and a Happy Birthday to Levi’s – the patent for those jeans was filed on this day in 1873.
If you have a misheard lyric that plagues you… be sure to check it out @ your library!
Or if you’re like me, find out online immediately at: 

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