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JANUARY 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Martin Luther King

While the world will have next Monday off for Martin Luther King day,  today, January 15, is actually his birthday.   Had he lived, he would be 80 years old.

He was 26 when he received his Ph.D. from Boston University.

He was 34 when he delivered his famous I Have a Dream speech and became the first Black American to be honored as Time's Man of the Year.

A year later he won the  the Nobel Peace Prize.

Four years after that, he was assisinated in  Memphis, Tennessee, at the age of  39. 

When I think of MLK, I am  struck at the changes that have taken place in our world in what to me feels like a short time and I am hopeful.


If you would like to learn more about Dr. Martin Luther King stop by the Library.



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