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NOVEMBER 10, 2008
Shelf Reading!

Most people think working in a library is a cushy job. After all, all we do is sit around and read all day. Nothing could farther from the truth, the reading all day part, at least. There's lots to do that the public never sees. One necessary, but mundane task, is keeping the shelves in order. The Dewey Decimal System was introduced by Melville Dewey in 1876 as a method for placing books on library shelves in a specific and repeatable order that makes it easier to find any specific book or to return it to its proper place. Who knows how books get out of place, but they do. Nothing will drive we librarians more crazy than books that are not where they belong. In a push to bring the wayward books back to their proper place, each staff member agreed to spend an hour each day “shelf reading”.Reading shelves is not reading in the true sense and is nothing like reading a book. Frankly, it can be downright boring, eye straining, back breaking and mind boggling. Mr. Dewey, which comes first, 311.0942 or 311.07 or 311.09142? Yet, there's a certain sense of satisfaction in knowing that all the books are where they belong, neatly lined up, in proper shelf order.

This mundane task can also yield its own rewards. Hidden gems can be uncovered. Lucky me; the 630's yielded one such unexpected find.

Tune in tomorrow to hear about my discovery!

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