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AUGUST 21, 2008
Latte Anyone?

I'm a coffee lover like many other Americans. I like my coffee, straight up black, no sugar, no milk, no bells, no whistles, and under $2.00 if I'm buying it out. A Newman's senior coffee at Mickey D's satisfies me as much as any from the leading coffee retail roasters (name your favorite). No cafe latte, no cappuccino, macchiato, mocha madness, espresso, or any of the myriad of designer coffee drinks, for me. According to a report I read somewhere, coffee represents 75%&nsp;of  all the caffeine consumed in the US. Coffee statistics and trends can boggle my mind. Instead of quoting more, let's look at few of the materials in our library that will provide your coffee fix with none of the caffeine.

Various Flavors of Coffee ~ Anthony Capella
“It was a cup of that changed Robert's Wallis's life—and a very bad coffee at that.” So states the blurb on the dust jacket of this brand new book by Anthony Capella (The Wedding Officer).Wallis is minding his own business, sipping a cup at a London coffeehouse when Samuel Tinker offers him a job creating a vocabulary of coffee. Wallis needs only use his talent for words and extroadinary palate to describe the nuances of coffee. Little did he know that he would journey to South Africa in search of the fabled Arab Mocca bean. A little bit history, a little bit thriller, a little bit romance, this sounds like a winner on many levels. F Capella

The Coffee Trader by David Liss F Liss
Amsterdam, 1659 and a daring plot to corner the market on a new commodity, coffee, are the centerpoints of this historical mystery/thriller.

The Tall Pine Polka by Lorna Landvik F Landvik
Cup O'Delight Cafe, where locals gather to “Tall Pine Polka”. Good food, good friends, and heavenly coffee inspire the soul to dance.Fans of Landvik won't be disappointed as she blends her special sense of humor, romance and good storytelling for a four star read. Read an excerpt at

How Starbucks Changed My Life ~ Michael Gates Gill 647.95092 GILL
Gill lost it all, a prestigious job, money, etc. This book chronicles his return to success working from the ground up, in none other than Starbucks. Fans of the superstar chain might find this an interesting read.

I can almost smell the coffee brewing. Pour me a cup, set the mood with a bit of background music and I'll settle in with one of the aforementioned books ...

Music from the Coffeelands ~ Putumayo
music from Peru, Jamaica, Hawaii, Cuba, Uganda, Colombia, Mexico, Kenya, Congo, and more...

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mthissell said, on Aug. 25 at 8:25AM
Thanks for the great book ideas! I love books that feature food (or drinks) although it makes it hard to read them without getting completely hungry. The first two books you've featured seem especially compelling and worth a read.

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