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Category: Library News

MARCH 24, 2010
CCPL Partners with CCJDC

Since 2009, CCPL has partnered with the Clermont County Juvenile Detention Center; it's a collaboration that librarian Lori Osting believes in strongly. "We're trying to make the library more visible and accessible to the young people in our local detention center," she says.

During her bi-monthly visits, she helps the young men and women choose books and encourages them to visit the library after they’re released. "The library program at detention helps to establish an environment where the youth value books and embrace their right to read," says Osting.

Response from the detained youths has been positive. “[The library program] has helped with picking books I know I will like,” said one young man.

Another youth commented, “[The library program] keeps me occupied in reading and gets me interested in books.” He continued, “I really appreciate [Miss Osting] coming out for us. No one else much cares about juvenile delinquents.”

If you're interested in learning more about the program and how you can help, contact Lori via email or by calling (513) 735-7182.

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Categories: Library NewsTeens


FEBRUARY 2, 2010

CCPL now has an Amazon wishlist. When you purchase an item from the list, it's sent directly to the Library and added to our collection.

Your support is important. According to Holly Varley, the Collection Development Manager, "Due to state cuts, our budget for books is less than half of what it was last year. A donation from this list supports local authors and illustrators, while providing our community with local interest titles that we may not be able to purchase otherwise."

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Category: Library News
