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Off the Shelf

Read about additions to your library's shelves as well as memories about the library from out staff and patrons.
My First Library Memory

I grew up in northern Kentucky, so my first library memories are not of CCPL.  But... We were regular bookmobile patrons in our family every summer.  Mom couldn't wait the two or three weeks between visits.  Not only did she enjoy her own reading, but I'm sure, looking back, that she relished the quiet our reading brought to a house with five kids.  We would all trudge several blocks to the big parking lot where the bookmobile stopped; no second car back then. It didn't matter how hot it was, only rain would keep us away. Sometimes we had to wait in a line to get in.  The bookmobile was newer and smelled of blond wood and formica.   If you missed a bookmobile visit you had to return your books to the real library. Then, the library in Covington was an old Carnegie building.  It seemed old even then.  The interior was dark with rich-looking wooden desks and shelving.  I remember bringing in my handful of overdue picture books.  (It had rained!) Mom sent me in  by myself with a quarter while she waited in the car.  I handed my books to the young man behind the tall circular desk. "That will be 25 cents each." he said.  Oh my God!  I only had one quarter!  What was I going to do?!  "Just kidding! 25 cents all together." he said.  What a relief. That's when I learned that librarians can have sense of humor.  That pretty much sealed my fate.

 ~~Joann from the Milford Branch

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