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What's Happening @ Your Library

Keeping you up-to-date on what's happening at your library. We invite you to join in the conversation!
APRIL 29, 2009
Oh, spring, where art thou?

 What in the name of 80-degree weather happened to spring? Cincinnati weather, that's what happened. We all knew it was coming. The weather in the midwest is more unstable than my Aunt Millie when she goes off her medication...

We still have a few more weeks of unpredictable weather before the rain ceases to pour every time we think about heading to the park or before we can open the pools. In the meantime, check out some of our library programs. Not only will they be fun and educational, but depending on the weather, the library will either shelter you from the relentless downpour or air condition your impending heat stroke. 

Stop by, say hi and while you're at it take some books home with you!

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Category: Library Events
