Fracville Free Public Library

Talk to the Frackville Library

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Category: Programs

JANUARY 3, 2015
Happy New Year
   Well, the holidays are over, and it's time to settle in for a couple of quiet months of winter. But just because the hustle and bustle has slowed down, it doesn't mean things aren't happening in town. At the library, there is still plenty of program activity going on if you just have to get out of the house! Children's programs are available on January 8 and January 13. Mondays at 6 you'll find the Knitting Class clicking away, and if any seniors got a computer for Christmas, sharpen your skills at our Thursday Computer Class for Adults. The Frackville Area Fireworks Committee is planning for this years display to be held on June 28. Of course, there is money to be raised first, so come to the Mardi Gras on February 7 at the Goodwill Hose Company-music, food, and a chance to meet and greet your neighbors. Tickets will be on sale beginning January 12. Comment on this post if you need more information about any of these activities.

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Categories: Community eventsLibrary ActiviesPrograms


NOVEMBER 30, 2014
Family Christmas fun
The library is currently taking registrations for two exciting Holiday events.On Saturday, December 13, the library will be holding what has become an annual Christmas treat for families. Christmas at the Library is a lively afternoon of Christmas stories, games, holiday themed crafts, and cookies from 1-3PM. Children ages 0-12 and their parents are invited to register. On Sunday, December 14, the Frackville Recreation Board and the Frackville Elks are holding their annual Christmas Party and Visit with Santa at the Frackville Borough Building. The event, which runs from 2-4PM, features music, refreshments, a gift for each child attending, and a popular bounce house. Children ages 0-12 must be registered by Saturday, December 6 for this event! The library is taking registrations for both of these programs. Call soon!  Don't miss out on these free programs for your family!

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Categories: ProgramsCommunity eventsLibrary Activies


NOVEMBER 6, 2014
The November edition of Storytime will be held on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 6PM. Ms Rachel promises an entertaining and interesting program for children ages 4-7. The program includes stories, crafts, and other surprise activities. You can get more information or register by calling the library at 570-874-3382 or by visiting our calendar page for online registration.

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Categories: ProgramsCurrent EventsFiction for kids


NOVEMBER 6, 2014
Medicare Counseling
If you have questions about Medicare, there is a lot of help available locally. Apprise, the State of Pennsylvania's program for providing assistance to Medicare recipients has several avenues for you to find answers. There are many events being held all over the county during the open enrollment period for Medicare Prescription Drug Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans. Open enrollment is available until December 7, 2014. You can find out more about the events or about assistance right at the library by calling us at 570-874-3382. Leave you name and number, and a counselor will call you to schedule an appointment.  

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Categories: ProgramsJust for Seniors


NOVEMBER 6, 2014
Hello again!
To go along with the many changes taking place at the library these days, we are going to restart our Talk to the Frackville Library Blog. Although facebook seems to have taken the place of many sites like this, we hope to have some interesting stuff here directed toward those users who are really interested in our collection. We will still be featuring news of events on the blog, on the calendar, and on facebook as well. We welcome your comments and suggestions, either on the blog or through our comments page.

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Categories: Current EventsLibrary newsPrograms


MAY 31, 2011
One World, Many Stories
      It's only two weeks until the beginning of our Summer Reading Program for 2011. This year's theme, One World, Many Stories, will explore stories and cultural elements of many parts of the world including our own country and county. With Away We Go in June, we'll travel across the oceans to various foreign countries to get a taste of the language, music, and literature of other children. In July, The Stories We Tell will be those of our own United States, as we explore the history and diversity of our own multi-culture. In August we will finish with How We Live, a program dedicated to the Schuylkill County Bicentennial. Programs are open to children ages 4-8 years old and are held on one Tuesday evening each month. Programs feature stories, songs, craft projects and a light snack. See our calendar page for more details or to register.  

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Categories: ProgramsLibrary ActiviesCurrent Events


DECEMBER 14, 2010
Happy Holidays!
       Thanks to all who attended our Christmas at the Library event on Saturday. We had a great crowd and enjoyed stories, games, and crafts. Our next program will be Storytime for ages 4-7 on Tuesday, January 11, 2011. Use our Calendar Page to register.

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Categories: ProgramsCurrent Events


NOVEMBER 10, 2010
Join the discussion
  Our Adult Reader's Group is discussing Freedom by Jonathan Franzen on Thursday, November 18 at 7PM. New members are always welcome.

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Categories: Library ActiviesProgramsAdult reading groups


OCTOBER 5, 2010
Upcoming programs
     As usual, there is plenty going on at the library in the month of October. For children, we have Babytalk on the 19th and Storytime on the 14th, both of which will have a Halloween theme. Wii Gaming is available on Monday and Wednesdays for anyone over the age of 55 who is interested. Also for our older patrons, computer classes continue on Thursdays at 10AM. We are also having a special fundraiser this month. On Sunday, October 31st the library will host a Murder Mystery Dinner at Club Paparazzi on South Lehigh Avenue across from the library. Details for all these activities are available under the Calendar tab on this website.

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Categories: Fundraising activitiesLibrary ActiviesPrograms


Make Your Garden Grow
     On Tuesday, September 21, 2010, the library will be hosting a program presented by Tom Reed, a Penn State Master Gardener. His topic will be Backyard Composting. Fall is a great time to start preparing  rich, dark compost for your spring garden. Leaves and trimmings in abundance in the fall can help to enhance your garden in the future. Learn how to do it from an expert. The program will be from 6-8PM at the library, and there is  $5 charge per household to cover the cost of materials. Call the library at 874-3382 for more information. You can also register on our Calendar page at  

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Categories: ProgramsCurrent Events


AUGUST 26, 2010
We're making a few changes to our Storytime program format for 2010. This program will now be open to children ages 4-7 and feature stories, games, songs, and craft projects. It will be held on the second Tuesday of each month from 6-7PM. For September, Janice Johnston of Community Volunteers in Action will be presenting a program on safety. For the craft project, each child will have the opportunity to create their 'Favorite Pumpkin' which will then be entered into the contest being held in conjunction with the Frackville Pumpkin Festival. For more information or to register call the library at 874-3382. You can also register on-line on the Calendar page at  

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Categories: ProgramsYoung ChildrenLibrary Activies


AUGUST 23, 2010
Wii'll you join us?
        Come on! You know you want to try it! I'm talking about Wii Gaming for Adults age 55 and up here at the library. Video gaming is a great way to get some light exercise, improve hand-eye coordination, and keep your brain active. And you can meet people and make new friends. You can play on Mondays from 3-5PM or Wednesdays from 6-8PM. Call the library for information at 874-3382, or register on our Calendar Page. Have a day out and make use of the services provided at your library.

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Categories: Library ActiviesJust for SeniorsPrograms


AUGUST 23, 2010
Library Update
     We have been really busy around here, participating in the Schuylkill County Firefighters Convention. Thanks to all who joined us on Family Night and at the Parade! Now we're getting ready for a busy September with new programs, some changes to our regular offerings, and the prelude to the Second Annual Frackville Pumpkin Festival. Look for posts over the next week which will give you all the information you need to participate. If your curious now, check out our Calendar of Events.

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Categories: Library ActiviesProgramsCurrent Events


JUNE 26, 2010
Just a Reminder-
    There is still plenty to do at the library this summer! Wii gaming for adults continues to be offered Mondays and Wednesdays. The Summer Reading Program features two events monthly, one for children 3-5 years old and one for children 6-9 years old. If you are interested in chess and knitting, give us a call. These programs are off for the summer, but we'll be ready to regroup and continue in the fall. Also in September we have plans for a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan seminar and a Composting Workshop sponsored by Penn State Master Gardeners. Check our calendar page on the website for specific dates and times or call the library at 874-3382. 

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Categories: ProgramsLibrary ActiviesCurrent Events


MAY 29, 2010
Make a Splash-READ!
    It's time for our annual summer reading program, and this year, it's all about the H2O. Our theme is water, and we've got three exciting watery subjects for June, July, and August. In June we'll talk about the science of water and do some fun experiments. In July, it's all about the beach and ocean. In August, we'll switch to fresh water and take a walk around the pond. These programs feature stories, great craft projects, and lots of interactive games and activities. In addition, we'll be encouraging all of our attendees to log their personal reading for the summer months. A free bag of goodies will be awarded to each child at the end of the program. Check out our new library calendar to get more details. You can even register on-line! Come join us and Make a Splash yourself.  

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Categories: ProgramsLibrary ActiviesYoung Children


MARCH 31, 2010
The Name of the Game
          We're adding another session to our Wii Gaming for Adults. For those of you age 55 and up who are interested in joining our group, but are busy with work or other activities during the day, we will now be having a program on Wednesday evenings beginning on April 7, 2010. The program will be held between 6 and 8PM every Wednesday and will feature Wii Sports and a variety of other games such as pool, darts, and croquet. Believe me, our players really have a great time! Come and give it a try. Call the library for information at 874-3382 or use our contact page at

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Categories: Just for SeniorsProgramsLibrary Activies


FEBRUARY 19, 2010
Adult Readers Group
On Thursday, March 18, 2010, the Adult Reader's Group will be discussing Good Grief by Lolly Winston. This was Winston's first novel and tells the story of Sophie Stanton, suddenly widowed at the age of 36. In order to deal with her grief, she decides to leave her high-pressure job and seek some solace with an old friend in a small town in Oregon. The novel was well received at the time of its debut, and our group looks forward to a good evening of discussion. New members are always welcome. Call the library for information or use our contact page at  

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Categories: ProgramsCurrent fiction


JANUARY 29, 2010
Pet Memories

        Losing a pet through illness or accident is very difficult for many of our patrons. These 'wild' creatures become like members of the family in many households, and their owners remember them fondly. We've instituted a new program at the library that allows you to honor the memory of your pet and help the library at the same time. For a $5.00 donation to the library, you can place a photo of your pet on our 'Pet Memories' wall, and let others share in remembering your lost friend. Ask any librarian for assistance.

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Categories: ProgramsLibrary ActiviesFundraising activities


JANUARY 23, 2010
Join the Readers Group!

     The Adult Readers at the library have selected The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows for their next discussion. This novel in the form of letters, tells tales of what it was like on the small island of Guernsey in the English Channel, when it was occupied by German forces during World War II. The group will meet to discuss this popular selection on Thursday, February 18 at 7PM. They are always delighted to receive new members. Call the library for information or use our contact page at

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Categories: Adult reading groupsCurrent fictionPrograms


JANUARY 15, 2010
Wii had a blast...

     Our first session of Wii gaming for adults took place on Monday, and it was really fun! All of our attendees were playing  pretty much for the first time, but they caught on fast. We tried bowling, tennis, baseball, and golf. Tennis was probably the most challenging-you really have to keep your eye on the ball. But practice makes perfect, so I'm sure we'll be having some champions developing before long. This program is being held every Monday afternoon from 3 to 5PM.  Call the library for more information or use our contact page at  

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Categories: ProgramsJust for Seniors


DECEMBER 17, 2009
Gametime is coming!

         The first of our gaming programs for adults over age 55 is fast approaching! On Monday, January 11, 2009 from 3-5PM we'll be bowling at the library through the wonders of the computer with our new Wii gaming console.This equipment was purchased through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act(LSTA) as administered by the PA Office of Commonwealth Libraries. Attendees can get familiar with the elements of computer gaming and learn to play. Show your grandchildren you're in the know, get some light exercise, and have fun! Register today by calling 874-3382 or use our contact page at

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Categories: Just for SeniorsLibrary ActiviesPrograms


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