Fracville Free Public Library

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Category: Adult reading groups

NOVEMBER 10, 2010
Join the discussion
  Our Adult Reader's Group is discussing Freedom by Jonathan Franzen on Thursday, November 18 at 7PM. New members are always welcome.

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Categories: Library ActiviesProgramsAdult reading groups


APRIL 29, 2010
Adult Reader's Group
       On Thursday, May 20, 2010 our Adult Reader's Group will be discussing A.S. Byatt's intriguing and award-winning novel, Possession. A combination of past and present, we join two Victorian scholars as they try to solve a literary mystery based on the accidental discovery of a letter written from one poet to another. This book received the coveted Booker Prize, a prestigious award given in the United Kingdom. The group meets in the library at 7PM, and always welcomes new members. Call for information or use our contact page at

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Categories: Adult reading groupsCurrent fictionJust for Seniors


MARCH 19, 2010
Read and Talk
The Adult Reader's Group at the library will be discussing Still Alice by Lisa Genova on Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 7 PM. Written by a psychologist, this novel tells the story of Alice Howland, a busy career woman who is suddenly beset with confusion, memory lapses, and other symptoms which eventually lead to her diagnosis with early onset Alzheimer's disease. This book examines not only the changes taking place within Alice, but also the effects on her family and friends. Our reading group always welcomes new members. Call 874-3382 for information or use our contact page at

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Categories: Adult reading groupsCurrent fictionJust for Seniors


JANUARY 23, 2010
Join the Readers Group!

     The Adult Readers at the library have selected The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows for their next discussion. This novel in the form of letters, tells tales of what it was like on the small island of Guernsey in the English Channel, when it was occupied by German forces during World War II. The group will meet to discuss this popular selection on Thursday, February 18 at 7PM. They are always delighted to receive new members. Call the library for information or use our contact page at

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Categories: Adult reading groupsCurrent fictionPrograms


NOVEMBER 2, 2009
Join our Adult Readers Group

      On Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 7pm our Adult Readers Group will be meeting at the library to discuss The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter. Although Richter left his birthplace, Pine Grove, PA, as a young man, he returned to Pennsylvania in his fiction. This novel tells the story of a 15 year-old white boy captured and raised by the Lenni Lenape Indians, who is chosen to be returned to his family. In 1951, Richter won the Pulitzer Prize for his novel, The Town and is regarded as a significant figure in American fiction. The Adult Readers have been discussing books for over six years. They include all types of literature in their program and meet monthly. Call 874-3382 for more information or use our contact page at

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Categories: ProgramsAdult reading groupsClassic Fiction


SEPTEMBER 22, 2009
Join Our Adult Reader's Group

     On Thursday, October 1, 2009 our Adult Reader's Group will be delving into the newest offering of television talkshow host , Bill O'Reilly. A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity chronicles O'Reilly's days as a schoolboy at St. Brigid's parochial school to his current position as influential TV personality.  The group meets in the library at 7PM. Call  874-3382 or use our contact page at   

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Categories: Adult reading groupsNon-fiction


AUGUST 9, 2009
Book Talk

       Our Adult Reader's Group selection for the August meeting has received rave reviews by the critics and many of our patrons. The Help, a first novel by author Kathryn Stockett, tells the story of Skeeter, a young Southern woman who in 1962 returns home to Jackson, Mississippi. Her friendship with two black maids not only provides her with a subject for her own first book, but forces her to face up to the changes happening in both her own hometown and in the country as well. Join our group to discuss this great book on Thursday, August 20 at 7PM. For more information call 874-3382 or use our contact page at   

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Categories: ProgramsAdult reading groupsCurrent fiction


JUNE 26, 2009
Book Talk

      Our Adult Reader's Group will meet on Thursday, July 16, 2009 at 7PM  to discuss Handle With Care, the newest offering of popular novelist Jodi Picoult. Ms. Picoult has thousands of  loyal fans, and her books have been very well received. Some have even been made into films. Her latest story tells of a woman who is forced to choose between the welfare of her child and an old and valued friend. Picoult blends the themes of family, medical challenges, and the law in a way that many readers find very satisfying. If you're a Jodi Picoult fan, come join in our discussion. New members are always welcome. Call the library for details at 874-3382 or use our contact page at    

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Categories: Current fictionAdult reading groupsPrograms


MAY 7, 2007
Calling all Janeites!
For those not in the know, a Janeite is a reader especially addicted to the novels of Jane Austen, the famous English writer. You may be acquainted with her work through many TV and movie adaptions like Pride and Prejudice. Anyway, I am a Janeite of long standing and would be interested to know if there are any more of us in Schuylkill County. Use our contact page to get in touch. I would love to do a Jane Austen program at the library!

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Categories: ProgramsAdult reading groups


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