Fracville Free Public Library

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JANUARY 8, 2011
More True Grit
      Seeing the trailer for the new film, a remake of True Grit, I was reminded of a vivid literary memory. I read the 1968 novel, True Grit, by Charles Portis when it first came out, and have long considered it one of my favorites reading experiences, even though I am not a big fan of the western in general. I was encouraged to pick up this little gem again, and I was not disappointed. It definitely deserves to be considered a classic of its genre. The adventures of Mattie Ross and her protectors, Rooster Cogburn and Ranger LeBoef, serve as a delectable little tidbit of Americana, mixed with true originality on the part of Portis. If you prefer, try the 1969 film version with John Wayne, Kim Darby, and Glen Campbell. Both book and DVD are available for loan at the library. As for the new film just released, I for one can't wait to see it!   

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