Fracville Free Public Library

Talk to the Frackville Library

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OCTOBER 29, 2010
A Money-Saving Tip
     Anyone who is taking medication these days is also probably complaining about the rising costs. If you are currently on a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or soon to be, you can get some of the best free assistance in finding out the best plan for you right here at the library. On Tuesday, November 16 and Thursday, December 2, staff and volunteers of Apprise will be in the library to help you with information, plan comparisons, and on-line enrollment, and it's all free of charge! Call the library at 874-3382 or the Apprise office at 800-621-6325 today to schedule an appointment. You will need your Medicare card, information about your current insurance, and a list of your medications with dosages in order to get the best comparison. Slots of time available are limited so call soon.

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Categories: Library ActiviesJust for Seniors


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