Fracville Free Public Library

Talk to the Frackville Library

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MARCH 22, 2009

    I went to last month's meeting of Frackville's chapter of Upper Schuylkill Revitalization, a state initiated organization which is dedicated to fostering civic pride and facilitating programs to help improve downtown vitality in smaller communities. No one who has walked along Lehigh Avenue lately can dispute the need for some attention to this part of town. Lack of small businesses, abandoned buildings, and empty lots have taken much of the pleasure away from a visit to our town's 'main street'. But this can change. Many communities in the Upper Schuylkill consortium have accomplished a lot in making their downtowns more appealing and attractive to residents and visitors alike. In Frackville, even though a few businesses have taken advantage of facade improvement programs, and we have accomplished some of the streetscape enhancements available, there is still a lot of work to do. If you love your town, and if you want it to grow and thrive for the sake of your children and grandchildren, please seriously consider joining this organization. Meetings are held at the Community Center Building(former Elementery Center) on Center and Oak Sts. on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30PM. We really need to see you there!

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