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OCTOBER 7, 2008
Just finished reading...

      Ghost Train to the Eastern Star by Paul Theroux. Ever since I was a kid, I have always longed to take off to exotic places. Consequently, I really loved this book. In the 1970's, Theroux took a train trip throughout Asia and wrote a popular travel book called The Great Railway Bazaar. Now in his early 60's, he decided to take the trip again to see how things had changed. In those days, the war zone was Vietnam, and he had been able to travel freely in Iraq and Iran. This time he had to divert his route from the Persian Gulf north to the "stans", those former satellite states of the USSR. Much mellower in his tone than he was thirty years ago, Theroux paints a fascinating picture of modern Turkey, India, Singapore, and Cambodia, just to name a few of his many stops. He also meets a fabulous cast of characters along the way. If you're yearning for the adventure of travel, but your pocketbook won't allow it, this book is a great substitute!  

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