Fracville Free Public Library

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JANUARY 10, 2008
Power Library Post/Space Age Library
         These days most of us are used to finding at least some of our information needs on the computer. But what about reading a book on your computer? Many readers find the idea horrifying, preferring the volume in their hands, cozy in a nice big chair or in bed. If you don't mind the constraints of the computer desk or if you just want to read part of a book, then netLibrary might be what you want. NetLibrary, one of the resources on Power Library provides users with over 12,000 titles(that's almost as many as we have here in our library). You can access the complete book, read it from cover to cover, or search ahead to find  the part you need-and you don't have to leave home to do it. Offerings range from classic fiction to self-help books. Check it out-you may find exactly what you need. For help in accessing Power Library call the library at 874-3382 or use our contact page at

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