Fracville Free Public Library

Talk to the Frackville Library

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FEBRUARY 9, 2017
Our Library's New Journey!

Our PAForward Journey to a GOLD STAR!

Well fellow patrons, our library has decided it is time for us to become a PAForward Gold Star Library! We are very excited to be starting this journey as it will take us all year to complete the actions to achieve this goal. The PaForward program is a Pennsylvania operation that aims toward educating all Pennsylvania citizens in the different forms of Literacy. There are five different types of literacy to be discussed and educated on. These five literacies are needed by our community to help us be better citizens, students, parents and just better educated and aware people. Basic Literacy, Information Literacy, Civic and Social Literacy, Health Literacy, and Financial Literacy are all the different types needed to help our community grow, expand and learn. Our library has been involved in many ways with the different types already, with the information we provide seniors on healthcare and our weekly computer education classes. We help the community with the different programs for our children to help them learn and grow. We will be helping the early preschool children with our 1,000 books before kindergarten program. There are so many things we offer already and more we will continue to offer to better provide our patron base with the necessary tools to accomplish the PA Forward goal. We hope you folks encourage and will support us in our journey and we thank you for your continued trust and patronage.

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