Fracville Free Public Library

Talk to the Frackville Library

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JANUARY 3, 2015
Happy New Year
   Well, the holidays are over, and it's time to settle in for a couple of quiet months of winter. But just because the hustle and bustle has slowed down, it doesn't mean things aren't happening in town. At the library, there is still plenty of program activity going on if you just have to get out of the house! Children's programs are available on January 8 and January 13. Mondays at 6 you'll find the Knitting Class clicking away, and if any seniors got a computer for Christmas, sharpen your skills at our Thursday Computer Class for Adults. The Frackville Area Fireworks Committee is planning for this years display to be held on June 28. Of course, there is money to be raised first, so come to the Mardi Gras on February 7 at the Goodwill Hose Company-music, food, and a chance to meet and greet your neighbors. Tickets will be on sale beginning January 12. Comment on this post if you need more information about any of these activities.

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