Batesville Memorial Public Library

BMPL Blatherings

Keeping you up-to-date on what's happening at your library. We invite you to join in the conversation!
FEBRUARY 1, 2008
Oh, the weather outside is frightful...
Sometimes the weather outside is frightful.  And that means schools may be delayed or closed, activities and services may be interrupted.  But is the library open?
Usually, yes.  Our policy is that we will keep our regular hours, provided there is not a driving ban in effect.  Of course, severe weather may cause us to open late or close early.
Any change in our regular hours will be announced on WRBI 103.9 on your FM radio, or on their website at (Click on the School Delays icon).  We may or may not be able to change the announcement on our phone message, so listening to the radio or checking their website is the way to go.

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Category: weather closing
