What Joa is Reading & Other Stuff

Book reviews...from picture books to adult books, as well as books-to-movie info, and other stuff I think is interesting. Note: Not all books reviewed or recommended are appropriate for all ages.
FEBRUARY 5, 2007
Saw previews for Bridge to Terabithia
I have seen the previews now for the Bridge to Terabithia movie, and am a little surprised by the way it is being portrayed as almost an action movie. I think it is a little odd, that the wonderful thing about Terabithia in the book is how it really celebrates the kids' (especially Leslie's) imagination...and then the movie makes it look like these imagined creatures, etc. are all really there.

I thought the preview made the movie look more like a fantasy, than a movie about friendship...I pictured it more like Because of Winn Dixie or My Girl. Anyway, we'll wait and see. If you want to see more about the book, the story, and the movie, including a contest, go to Walden Media's web page for Bridge to Terabithia.

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Categories: FYIMovie Tie-ins



samsaradogs said, on Feb. 27 at 9:19AM
the bridge to teridithia movie is a very difrent dy the creachers


joa said, on Feb. 28 at 5:16PM
So do you think it is different "good" or different "bad" or just different? Did you read the book and see the movie?


joa said, on Mar. 6 at 6:26PM
Teresa saw the movie this past weekend and said it was really good and pretty true to the book. I was relieved and look forward to seeing it. I'll probably wait and check it out when we have it here, since usually add movies based on books.

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