What Joa is Reading & Other Stuff

Book reviews...from picture books to adult books, as well as books-to-movie info, and other stuff I think is interesting. Note: Not all books reviewed or recommended are appropriate for all ages.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2009
How I Read

It occurred to me when I was posting my last book review, that I write almost exclusively about fiction, which is funny because I read almost equal amounts of fiction and non-fiction. I am very different in how I read each type, however.

I only read fiction before I go to bed. For example, last night before I went to bed I read Frindle (a speedy read by Andrew Clements that I have meant to read for awhile), then I read a couple chapters of an eerie fantasy I am about halfway through called The Prophecy of the Sisters.

During the day, I read a lot of non-fiction and am often reading from several different books over the same time period. During breakfast, I read from a book about options for volunteer vacations, and during lunch, I almost always read book reviews from School Library Journal or VOYA. Write now, I'm also reading a book called A Pace for Grace, a book about planning for retirement (a long ways off!), and a book about Baby Sign Language. I like to switch off and on to mix-it-up in my non-fiction reading.

How about you? What is your reading style? 

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