What Joa is Reading & Other Stuff

Book reviews...from picture books to adult books, as well as books-to-movie info, and other stuff I think is interesting. Note: Not all books reviewed or recommended are appropriate for all ages.
JANUARY 3, 2008
Colibrí by Ann Cameron

Colibrí is a fiction novel about Rosa, who was taken from her parents in Guatemala City at the age of four, and has been living with "Uncle" who makes his living by running scams ever since.

Rosa, whose real name is Tzunún--and whose mother used to call her the nickname "Colibrí" which means "hummingbird" in Spanish--hates participating in the dishonest schemes of Uncle, but knows no other way to survive.

When she meets Doña Celestina, who tells Uncle's fortune, Rosa begins to think that it might be possible to choose a different path for her life...a path that leads her back to her true name and her own true nature.

When Uncle makes a plan with his opportunist friend Raimundo, Rosa makes a harrowing decision to be true to herself and what she knows is right.

This book has some great writing, and gives a taste of the culture of Guatemala. The theme of this book is summed up by the symbology of the Colibrí --a beautiful fragile hummingbird, but a species known as a fierce fighter for survival.

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