New Building News

The progress of your new library building!
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JULY 7, 2007
LEED Update
If you recall, the new library building is going to be certified under LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, which promotes the sustainable use of resources in building projects.

Bids are due for building and landscaping on July 19.  After that, the building committee will study those bids to determine which special features can be afforded (for example, solar panels). 

But, some LEED-approved things have already been built into the plans for the new building.  They include:

Re-use of land: The building will stand on a "recycled" building site -- not on open "bare" land.

Landscaping / Paving: We have reduced the need for a huge concrete parking lot by incorporating diagonal parking on the street adjacent to the library (widening the street and installing "bump outs" to make it safer for cyclists and pedestrians).  Also, there are special water retention tanks under the parking area to help mitigate run-off downstream from the library. 

Recycling: Pavement and other materials used in the building process will be sorted and recycled.  Workers are even required to recycle stuff like pop cans, paper, etc. while on site! 

Stay tuned for more information on what our LEED "credits" will be once those bids come in!

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