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Books and beyond

AUGUST 24, 2012
A Book We Love: The Eyre Affair

The Eyre Affair by Jasper FfordeThe Eyre Affair

Do you enjoy a little zany humor? Then Welsh author Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next series might just be for you. The series is set in an ‘alternative’ Britain where people can literally get lost in literature and the main character is a literary detective. Her job is to stop the villains who enter great works of literature to steal the characters or just maliciously mess with the plot.  How literary detectives do their job, all the time making sure readers don’t miss any of their favorite characters or stories in their books, is what makes the series so entertaining. Fforde has been compared to both Douglas Adams and Lewis Carroll for his witty and satiric voice and for his improbable and hilarious writing. The first title is the series is The Eyre Affair, where Jane Eyre is kidnapped and must be recovered before readers notice she is absent from the Bronte classic.  Made up of equal parts mystery, time travel fiction, and fantasy, this series will have you imagining a completely different world. 

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Bethany said, on Aug. 24 at 3:12PM
Jasper Fforde's books are great! I'm reading The Well of Lost Plots now. The Big Over Easy and The Fourth Bear from his "nursery crime" series are also very entertaining reads with Detective Jack Spratt and his partner Mary Mary. And the insane killer, the Gingerbread man!


Emily said, on Aug. 24 at 3:15PM
Those are great suggestions. Thanks, Bethany!

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