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NOVEMBER 5, 2012
Are you a fan of Mo Willems?

Check out some of his latest books.

Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

This is a new take on a classic fairy tale! Papa Dinosaur, Mama Dinosaur, and another dinosaur that happens to be visiting from Norway leave their dinosaur home filled with tempting traps like comfortable beds and chocolate pudding. They hope an unsuspecting child named Goldilocks will break in, make herself comfortable, and become their next snack!

The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?

Pigeon gets very mad when cute little Duckling asks for a cookie and gets it. Throughout the book he complains about how unfair it is, only to find that he can get things he wants by asking for them politely. Do you think Pigeon will get a cookie too?

Listen To My Trumpet!

In this book, Piggie cannot wait to play her new trumpet for her best friend, Gerald the Elephant. In doing so she discovers she might need some more practice.


Let’s Go For a Drive!

Gerald and Piggie want to hit the road for a car trip in this story, but first they must come up with a list of the many things they must take along.

Hooray For Amanda and Her Alligator!

Amanda and her alligator have lots of fun together in this series of short stories. Here they deal with boredom, disappointment, creativity, surprises, and making friends together.

Visit Mo Willem's official website. Here you can play games, create art, read about the books, characters, and the author.

Or, if you’re a parent, check out Mo Willems’ Secrets For Raising a Reader  which provides some good tips on helping kids to love books!

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