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AUGUST 27, 2012

Did you know that a grizzly bear can knock down an American bison larger than itself with just one blow of its paw?


Or that barracudas don’t parent their babies? Instead, ocean currents spread the larvae and young throughout the sea, leaving them to fend for themselves.


Did you know that manta rays, or devilfish, have been known to leap out of the water and into the air, sometimes turning a somersault before landing again with a huge splash?

These are just a few of the interesting facts that can be found on the International Wildlife database. Here you can look at pictures of thousands of species of animals and plants, check out maps that show the regions where they live, and view their family trees. All of these may come in handy for school assignments! This database is both fun and informative so check it out.

You can access International Wildlife from your home computer or a library computer. Just remember that you’ll need your library card number to login from home.

Go to our Homework Help page to find the Complete List of Databases For Kids including International Wildlife!

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posted by Rachel, Golden Library


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