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DECEMBER 22, 2009
Dies Natalis Solis Invictus: Birth of the Unconquerable Sun
Welcome to you, Old One
Welcome to the snow and ice,
The bitter cloud of your breath,
The pillow-feathered snow
Welcome you in, this Winter day.

May your blessing hold us,
May your chills avoid us,
May the bright promise
Of each clear day
Remind us of your gifts.

Old One, cold one,
Though we fear your storms,
Yet we welcome you
Into our winter hearts,
With each cleansing breath,
To blow away the old year
And usher in the new.

by John Matthews

Dec. 21 is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and the longest night of the year. On this date our journey to the dark heart of the year is complete. In all places and throughout time humans have marked the Winter Solstice as a time of celebration and introspection. It is the birthday of the sun! After this date, each day the sun will shine a little longer and each night will grow a little shorter as we begin our journey into spring. The birthday of the sun is celebrated with light, warmth, family, friends, joyful music, dancing, symbols of life such as evergreens, and lots of good food. Here are some books that have ideas for your celebrations.

book jacketThe Winter Solstice: The Sacred Traditions of Christmas by John Matthews with contributions from Caitlin Matthews



book jacketYule: A Celebration of Light and Warmth by Dorothy Morrison




book jacketHandmade Candles: Recipes for Crafting Candles at Home by Jane Blake & Emily Paulsen



book jacketComfort Food: Rachael Ray Top 30 30-minute Meals by Rachel Ray



book jacketGifts from the Heart: Simple Ways to Make Your Family's Christmas More Meaningful by Virginia Brucker

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