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DECEMBER 10, 2009
If you only had two years to live before the world ended, how would you live your life?
It's an interesting question and one that you'll be asked more and more now that the clock is ticking on the supposed last two years of the world as we know it. Scholars of various disciplines believe that the end of the world will occur at 11:11 a.m. GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on Dec. 21, 2012 when the 5,125-year-long Mayan Long Count Calendar runs out. The Mayan people were advanced astronomers and mathematicians, and their calendar system is one of the most admired of all time. All of their astronomical calculations were made with the naked eye and yet are almost as accurate as our modern technology's calculations. Did the Maya know something back then that will affect our future as a planet? 

In addition to the many Doomsday theories that have been circulating for decades are the theories that we are about to enter a 30-year period of prosperity and happiness. The Galactic Alignment, or the rising of the winter solstice sun in conjunction with the center of the galaxy, happens only once every 25,771 years and happens to coincide (or perhaps that is the point) with the end of the Mayan Calendar. Some scholars argue that we should feel very lucky to be alive at the end of the great cycle AND a Galactic Alignment instead of anticipating an apocalypse.

Of course, the vast majority of scholars and scientists think this whole conversation is ridiculous and pointless because there is really no evidence suggesting that anything, good or bad, will happen on Dec. 21, 2012.

So, what do you believe? If we are to believe that we only have two years left, what are you going to do with the time you have left? If we are about to enter a new enlightened age, what do you envision for our future? Is anything at all going to happen on 2012? Leave your thoughts in the Comments.

For more information, check out these books, DVDs, and web sites:

book jacket2012: science or superstition by Gary Baddeley (DVD)

December 12, 2012, the Official Website for 12/21/12 Information
2012 Phenomenom, Wikipedia
NASA - 2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End

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maria said, on Dec. 11 at 8:55AM
I don't know what to believe. Maybe people are jus tmaking it up so we'll freak out and then when it doesn't end the ones that said that nothing was going to happen will look all smart and mighty. I personally don't care because if you are meant to die on a certain day then let it happen. Why should people be scared of death? It's even better if we all die at the same time. I don't know. I'm just saying whatever come to my head. But I do know that I'm going to a After The World Ends Survivors Burrito Party the next day so I better be alive!!! xD


Jenna said, on Dec. 15 at 1:05PM
I'm with you maria! They freaked out about Y2K and that was a complete non-event - and that one at least had a real reason it might happen, unlike this vague idea that people who lived forever ago could see something bad happening. Here's hoping we all get invites to your burrito party! :)


Rosetiger said, on Jan. 14 at 10:29AM
If I only had two more years to live, I would buy a ranch get a couple of horses, through a big party, and go on vacation in Hawaii, and tell everyone I can that they've GOT to read the fablehaven series. But, that's just me. I highly doubt that the world will end in 2012.

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