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MARCH 27, 2013
The Weirdness All Around

The world is a big, awesome, crazy place full of amazing weirdness!  If you keep your eyes open for it, you can spot it all around.  Some of my favorite weirdness comes in the guise of… SCIENCE!

Here are a couple of my favorite ‘science’ books that put a new spin on things.  They might make you reconsider how you view the universe.

The Dancing Wu Li Masters : An Overview of the New Physics by Gary Zukav: This book introduced me to particle physics but not in a boring, academic way.  The voice is conversational, the science is real, and the possibilities that exist in and around us are mind blowing!  You will never look at the world the same way again.


The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto: Water holds memory and, according to the studies of Dr. Masaru Emoto, intention as well.  Dr. Emoto exposed water to words and then froze the water into snowflakes which he would film.  He noticed that positive words like ‘love,’ and ‘truth,’ would cause the water to transform into beautiful, perfect snowflakes.  Negative words like, ‘hate’ or ‘pollution’ caused the water to transform into distorted, ugly snowflakes.  This happened whether you spoke to the water or just put a sign close by the water with the word written on it.  Crazy!  But sooooo neat!

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