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NOVEMBER 20, 2012
Read This! ZOMBIES!!!

I'm not a big fan of horror fiction but for some reason I like zombie books.  Not the funny, quirky zombies, but the I'm going to eat you so you had better run kind of zombies.  Here are some of my favorite zombie books:

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

Mary lives in a walled village and in the surrounding forest dwell the unconsecrated, aggressive flesh-eating people who were once dead.  There are paths leading from the village down which no one has walked for generations.  They are nearly forgotten until one day a stranger comes into the village along one of the paths.


Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Mayberry

In a post-apocalyptic world where fences and border patrols guard the few people left from the zombies that have overtaken civilization, fifteen-year-old Benny Imura is finally convinced that he must follow in his older brother's footsteps and become a bounty hunter.  What I love about this book is the new look at zombies as former humans.  The book starts slow but after the first chapter it really takes off.

by Ilsa J. Bick

 A huge electromagnetic pulse has been set off and all electronics are dead along with most of the humans.  Alex was taking a solo hiking trip through the woods when the EMP struck and at first does not realize the danger.  Another side effect of the EMP?  People turning into zombies.  I couldn't put this book down.  It grabbed me from the first page and didn't let up till the end.

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Tana said, on Nov. 26 at 10:44AM
Another one that looks kind of fun is teh new one by Sean Beaudoin -- The Infects. It looks like it might be amusing and, according to it's cover, "a genre buster!" ZombRule #4: Survival is for the ruthless. Everyone else is a hippie poet. =)

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