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JANUARY 29, 2013
Read This! In Honor by Jessi Kirby

 "The bugler steps forward and licks his lips before he lifts his trumpet. It occurs to me that I've never actually heard taps played in real life. As the first notes emerge, I try to be present in the moment, try to press into my mind what this moment means. My brother is dead. And this...this song means it's real. He's playing for Finn."

Honor's brother played high school football and planned to play college ball with his best friend Rusty. At the last minute, and with little explanation, Finn enlisted in the military instead. Now he's dead. And Honor doesn't know what to do. 

She decides to drive all the way to California, to use the concert tickets that Finn sent her for her birthday. Rusty shows up, drunk as usual, just as she's starting the engine of Finn's car. So he comes along for the ride.

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