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APRIL 3, 2012
Read This! - Ashfall by Mike Mullin

After the eruption of the Yellowstone super-volcano destroys his city and its surroundings, fifteen-year-old Alex must journey from Cedar Falls, Iowa, to Illinois to find his parents and sister, trying to survive in a transformed landscape and a new society in which all the old rules of living have vanished.

I liked this because I enjoy the generally depressing genre of Dystopian fiction. (It must make me feel better on some level to imagine that, YES; things could be SO MUCH WORSE!)

So, if you’re like me, you’ll like this one because I’m pretty sure there is nothing more depressing than standing under a gloomy sun eating corn you dug out from under three feet of volcanic ash. Oh, and the cannibals and creepy FEMA subcontractors were alarming, too.

 Having said that, this book is actually really interesting; lots of problems to solve, people to save, societies to recreate… It’s good. Really!

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