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DECEMBER 15, 2011
Video Games

game.controllerThis holiday season has been inundated with many popular video game sequels. Here is a helpful guide to the new video games this season, and the person to buy it for.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: This video game, an RPG, is for the nerd in the family whom you could imagine playing dungeons and dragons. Full of both, this will be one of the most popular video games of the year. Five stars out of five.

Zelda: For Wii players. Nuff said.

Batman: Arkham City: This game is for the comic book nerd you know. Batman kicks some tooshie and the Joker is just demented. Four stars out of five.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: For the soldier to be in the family. Already breaking records, this game is your classic gun-toting army/marine game. Multi-player is a must play! Four stars out of five.

What other video games are you excited about?

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posted by Patrick, Evergreen Library, Teen Advisory Board



amy d said, on Dec. 16 at 12:23PM
i am excited about zelda skyward sword!!

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