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Labor Day - May 31st
Mondays: 8 am - 8 pm
Tuesday: 9 am - 8 pm
Wed. - Thurs.: 12N - 8 pm
Friday: 12 N - 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 12 N
Sunday: Closed

June 1st - Labor Day
Mondays: 8 am - 8 pm
Tues. - Wed.: 9 am - 8 pm
Thursday: 12 N - 8 pm
Friday: 12 N - 6 pm
Sat. - Sun.: Closed

Contact Us

Brillion Public Libary
326 N. Main Street
Brillion, WI 54110

Phone: (920) 756-3215


Library News

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AUGUST 28, 2009
Harry Potter Trivia a hit

With the release of the recent Harry Potter movie, the Brilliion Library ran a trivia contest for youth 18 and under.  Thanks to library user, Devon Eccles who started us off by suggesting a trivia contest.  He came up with some great questions, corrected the entries that were returned and even came up with some tie breaking questions when we had a tie.  He also met with our winners and answered some of their questions and shared his knowledge of Harry Potter with them.  A big thank you to Devon for all of his hard work on the  Harry Potter contest.  We had a lot of interest in the contest and we found olut that there are a lot of knowledgeable youth out there. Our top winner in the contest was Libby Hanson.  She nosed out Erin Purst in a tie breaker.  Other top winners were Emily Glaeser, Rebecca Phipps and Jessica McWilliams.  Thanks to all of our partiicipants and the winners.  There are a lot of Harry Potter experts out there.  Thanks for being a part of the contest.

With the last Harry Potter book being written, we can only wait for the release of the next Harry Potter  movie to stir up the interest in the books again.  J.K. Rowling did a lot to inspire reaading with her Harry Potter series of books.  Everyone from preschoolers through senior citizens enjoyed the books and read them.  Youth began looking for Harry Potter read alikes and other authors who were as good to read.  My son read the Harry Potter books to his daughter from the time she was 3.  It cultivated a love of books in her that continues today. Thank you Harry Potter.

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