Richards Free Library Blog

JUNE 1, 2007
Cindy Says Goodbye
Cindy Williams is leaving the circulation desk of the library to become the Deputy Town Clerk of Goshen.  Those lucky Goshen residents will have a wonderful time registering their cars and dogs and paying their taxes will be fun.  We will miss her sense of humor and her great customer service. We wish her the best in her new job and are thankful that  she has promised to come back and fill in for vacations once in awhile.

Add a comment  (2 comments) posted by Andrea



becky king said, on Jun. 1 at 1:57PM
good luck and best wishes. goshen is very LUCKY to have a nice friendly face to see when they have to PAY taxes. Don't be a stranger to us, see you around


ontheroadagain said, on Jun. 2 at 7:43AM
Thanks for answering all the reference ?'s and for making the library a place one wanted to visit when coming in to town. Your humor and help will be greatly missed. Goshen is very lucky...

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