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What's Happening @ Your Library

Keeping you up-to-date on what's happening at your library. We invite you to join in the conversation!
JUNE 24, 2009
Our Books Go Far

Going on vacation this summer? Take us with you! Or rather take our books with you. 

Send the Milford-Miami Township Branch a postcard from where you traveled, including a note of what book you read on vacation.  Bring the picture holding the library book at your vacation spot to the branch.  Each person who sends us a postcard or brings in a photo will be entered in a drawing to win a prize.  Postcards and photos will be displayed in the Milford-Miami Township Branch.

Visit the library for instructions.

Safe travels!

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Category: Library Events


JUNE 22, 2009
Ohio Libraries in Jeopardy

As much as it pains me, this blog posting will not have its usual punch of sarcasm and dry humor. 

The latest news from Big Brother has Ohio libraries scrambling to figure out how they'll stay afloat if Governor Strickland's proposal is approved. According to Ohio Library Council, many of the Ohio's 251 public libraries could close or face significant reductions in operations as a result of the Governor's latest proposal to balance the state's 2010-2011 biennium budget.

Public libraries in Ohio are funded primarily through the Public Library Fund (PLF), which receives 2.2% o the state's tax revenue. At a news conference on Friday, June 19, the Governor proposed an additional cut in the PLF of $112.5 million in fiscal year 2010 and $144.8 million in 2011, cutting funds at a time when the community needs its public library the most. With sky-high unemployment rates & the economic crisis, individuals have been seeking refuge at the public library in record numbers.

The General Assembly Conference Committee will likely make their decision about this proposal this week. What can you do?
Email or call your state representatives and the Governor (614-466-3555) Immediately.
We urge you to contact your state legislators and the Governor's office by phone or e-mail to voice your strong opposition. Your continued support of Clermont County Public Library is invaluable and much appreciated!


For more information, contact: 
Ohio Library Council - (614) 410-8092 


*Information reprinted courtesy of OLC -- http://www.olc.org/news_story062009.asp

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Category: Library News
