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What's Happening @ Your Library

Keeping you up-to-date on what's happening at your library. We invite you to join in the conversation!
MAY 28, 2009
Exemplary Community Volunteers


It's not often you hear about the amazing things people do to better their community. Sure, you hear ALL about the negativity happening in the world via the 11 o'clock news, but what about all the selfless, positive acts the people in our community perform that you never find out about?

One such exemplary example is Bethel resident & Girl Scout Candy Carver. You can read all about Candy and her efforts to help struggling readers learn AND enjoy reading on our Teen Net page - clermontlibrary.org/teennet/teenspeak.html

Hopefully Candy's story will inspire you to reach out to your community, or at the very least, counteract the latest "news" you watch on tv tonight...

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