Fracville Free Public Library

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Today's Yesterdays
     Hopefully all of you baby boomers that spent your weekends at Willow Lake will recognize the title of this record album. It is an extensive collection of the best known songs of our local celebrities, the Jordan Brothers. This group of brothers, born and raised right here in Frackville, rose to fame when they were just teens, hitting the road with their rock and roll band.  Later this year, the Jordan Brothers will be honored with a memorial plaque at the Frackville Borough Building on South Center St. In celebration of the event, you can have your very own copy of Today's Yesterdays. CD's are now available for sale at the library, and the group has been kind enough to offer the library a share of the proceeds. The price of the CD, which contains 26 tracks including their famous rendition of Heart, is $25. Arrangements can also be made for the copies to be signed.

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